Make it easy to use multiple typefaces. You can specify the roman, sans-serif, and typewriter families in one spot, with one line of code. Here are some examples:
\usepackage[rm=constantia,sf=cronos,tt=inconsolata]{tcvfaces} \usepackage[rm=libertine,sf=lmodern,tt=lmodern]{tcvfaces} \usepackage[rm=minion,sf=iwona,tt=consolas]{tcvfaces}
Provides macros for typesetting some things that you have to do when writing technical documentation for source code. Here's a synopsis:
Command | Meaning | Example |
\fn | The name of a function. | foo() |
\fn* | A block to call out a function definition. | |
\var | Name of a variable. | foo |
\var* | An optional variable. | [foo] |
\flag | A flag or option. | -foo bar |
\flag* | An optional flag. | [-foo bar] |
\cmd | A Tcl command. | foo::bar alpha ... |
Other stuff.